363 Thinking and Acting Strategically in Conditions of Uncer

363 Thinking and Acting Strategically in Conditions of Uncertainty

New ways to think and work through enduring problems
363 Thinking and Acting Strategically in Conditions of Uncertainty 

This seminar discusses key features for thinking and acting strategically: staff, external environmental and existing policy. The interactive exercises and discussions identify the challenges of managing in uncertainty. The course includes suggestions for best practices for leading in uncertainty as well as for developing agility to address current and enduring problems counties face. The session facilitates participants’ focus on current county challenges. The seminar helps participant create new possibilities and leverage assets for problem solving. Participants and applying concepts of creative and strategic thinking to find different paths to solutions. The conversations provide approaches to question assumptions; identify the environmental issues; distinguish strategies from tactics; use team resources, and structure learning from experience.


Instructor: Rich Callahan, DPA is associate professor of management at the University of San Francisco.

8/30/2024 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Behavioral Health Auditorium A & B 1925 E. Dakota Ave Fresno, CA 93726

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