Strengthening Response Muscles 2024

Strengthening Response Muscles 2024

Strengthening Response Muscles 2024 is a five-part executive leadership program designed for CSAC Institute alumni. As the national election cycle nears, so too does increased visibility for those in public service. Sometimes the visibility is desirable, supporting communities and good governance. However, rhetoric and misinformed positions can create environments of threats and intimidation to those who are simply doing their jobs. This program is designed to help elected county officials and senior executives bolster response approaches, creating space between the event and action. The program focuses largely on self-awareness and self-management, reinforcing disciplined techniques to exercise self-control and increase intentionality.

This program is for those county leaders who have earned a 10-course credential through the CSAC Institute and invited participants. Space is limited. Registrations close August 31. Virtual program cost: $1,000 per participant. Registering for this program enrolls participants in all five-part series. Courses do not count towards another Institute credential. All five-part series are delivered virtually on zoom. Course materials and zoom links will be made available closer to the first session. For questions, email Salote Yanuyanutawa at [email protected]

All five-part series are delivered on zoom from 09.00 AM to 2.30 PM. Zoom details will be shared with registrants ahead of time. 

October 04, 2024:                                       Understanding Workplace Trauma
October 18, 2024:                                       Understanding Emotions  
November 01, 2024:                                   Keeping Your Cool
November 15, 2024:                                   Assertive Communication 
December 05, 2024:                                   Courageous Leadership

Details for each session noted further below. 

10/4/2024 9:00 AM - 12/5/2024 3:00 PM
Registration not available.

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